I have two sets of kids – a common occurrence for many Midlife Mothers. I have two generations, in two differing decades, with two differing experiences. (The total count of this is four children). One is Gen Y; the other is yet to be named (soon to be called Z or M). One is pre-9/11; the other is post 9/11. One is all about the advent of social media and the importance of the Internet; the other has never lived without all of it. One is the MTV generation, the other is all about the digital age, cell phones (only) and the world of texting. More importantly, one sees the world as basically benign and good, the other as being scary and dangerous and all about the horrors seemingly right outside our front door. These aren’t just man-made horrors; these now include tornados, hurricanes, flash floods, power outages, unhappy out-of-work people, and less money to live as we’d like.

All this makes me somewhat of an expert in raising children. I’m also very tired. One very long day, I stumbled through the two conversations of being dumped by a boyfriend and getting in trouble at work; I also dealt with bad poops, throw up and baby meltdowns. In addition, I had insomnia that night and a few hot flashes. All this does not make for fun. In fact, given the physiological aspect of it all, it’s amazing I haven’t cracked up yet.

Here’s the flipside: I love being so “with it,” staying dressed for fashion and being on top of the latest…whatever. I love the perspective that both generations bring, giving me the pride and joy that good mothering provides when we all get it “right.” Also, this gives me constant aerial observation of it all. I love watching the youngest with their innocent wonderment learning about a new world, combined with my oldest’s learning how to navigate out in the world. I get to remember what I/it was like during childhood and during early adulthood. I get to relive some of my own mistakes and missteps, and also remember the joy of just growing up. I get to make mistakes the first time and know what I can/should do differently the second (or third or fourth-time). I also get built-in (generational) translators to carry my message from one side to the other. It always keeps me young.

In short, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. So, other than wanting your support, can I please go to sleep…?