herbsThe most effective way to manage the pain and plight of menopause are Kris’s top 10 natural herbs for relieving menopause symptoms. Menopausal symptoms can at times be extreme, and definitely hamper a productive and comfortable life routine. Most women find it easy to turn to hormone based medication, that some experts suspect, is likely to harm the body in an attempt to control this natural part of a woman’s fertility cycle. The best alternative to such hormonal therapies are natural and herbal therapies.

With the ever increasing trend to go organic and natural, combined with the social openness to discuss menopause, the number of natural options available for women to manage the menopausal symptoms have multiplied over the last few years.

Also, when it comes to herbal remedies, all geographies and cultures have their own set of hand me downs that claim to give the best possible relief. Then how does a woman know and pick what is best for her. This is where Kris’s comes to your rescue.

Kris’s Top 10 natural herbs

Both phytoestrogenic herbs and nonestrogenic herbs can be used to alleviate the discomfort experienced during menopause. Phytoestrogenic herbs contain the compound phytoestrogen which is a lot similar to the estrogen produced by the human body while as their name suggests nonestrogenic herbs are devoid of this component. Here is a list of the top 10 herbs which can help you through this difficult period:

  1. Black cohosh:  Largely found in the regions of North America, Black cohosh is phytoestrogenic herb. Cohosh literally means ‘knobby rough roots’. It is more commonly known as rattleweed or snakeroot. Since it contains phytoestrogen, it makes up for the decline in the estrogen levels in a woman’s body during menopause. It is especially effective in treating hot flashes, night sweat, mood swings and depression
  2. Soy isoflavones:  Commonly found in miso, tofu, tempeh and similar other food, Soy isoflavones is also phytoestrogenic herbs. Over the years women have been indulging in the practice of using soy isofavones to treat symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweat
  3. Licorice root:  Licorice root is a Chinese herb also known as shi gan cao found as a component in many Chinese medications. It has been studied to have an effect on serotonin uptake which helps treat mild depression in menopausal women
  4. Dong Quai : Dong Quai is usually found in the high altitude regions of Korea, Japan and China. It is a phytoestrogenic herb which is also known as the ‘female herb’. It has been used since centuries as part of Chinese medicine to stabilize female hormones and ease the discomfort caused during menopause
  5. Brazilian Red Propolis:  The Brazilian Red Propolis is the magical herb which calms the mind and alleviates stress level. It is especially effective for women facing menopause as it helps them deal with irritability and mood swings
  6. Gingko Biloba: Gingko Biloba is a Chinese herb which has been traditionally used to help improve blood circulation. Its calming effect energizes the mind and helps a woman deal with the emotional stress caused during menopause. A regular intake of this herb is supposed to improve the mental strength of a person
  7. Vitex: Vitex is a phytoestrogenic herb grown in warm Mediterranean climate. Chinese monks have widely used this herb in their medical preparation. Owing to this, Vitex, is also more commonly known as Monk’s pepper.  Vitex has an effect on the pituitary glands and helps stabilize hormone secretion. This property has made Vitex very popular with women dealing with menopause problems caused by hormonal imbalance
  8. Macafem:  Macafem is a nonestrogenic herb, that is, it does not have the phytoestrogen component.  It is largely grown in the Macau region of Peru. It regulates the hormones making a woman feel more energized. It regulates the entire endocrine system responsible for  the production of hormones
  9. Ginseng: Ginseng is a popular herb widely acclaimed for its medicinal properties. More commonly used as a preventive medicine, Ginseng also helps a woman in her menopause deal with emotional stress, hot flashes and night sweats
  10. Red Clover: Red Clover is another common phtoestrogenic herb. Its unique coloring has also gained it mythological popularity as the herb worn by warriors to ward off evil and bring them good luck. This herb stabilizes the levels of estrogen in women during menopause alleviating the discomfort caused by hormonal imbalances

Besides these herbs, small steps like modifying your diet and lifestyle will also help alleviate the menopausal symptoms — Modify your diet to avoid sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods, and emphasize a variety of whole foods such as lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, beans and healthy oils such as flaxseed and coconut oil. A combination of good diet and the Top 10 natural herbs can certainly help you deal with menopause easily and effectively.

Kris T. Smith is speaker, master personal trainer, and certified nutritionist specializing in helping women look younger, lose menopause weight, and embrace their beauty. He’s the author of The 7 Day Menopause Diet Guide and founder of the My Menopause Fix Blog and the Host of the MMF Podcast on iTunes. If you liked this article and would like to receive more tips, and strategies on menopause fitness, menopause exercise, and motivation sign up for our free newsletter call The MMF Hot Flash Report at http://mymenopausefix.com