Several years ago I wrote my first book on intuition.  Looking back, I marvel at my naivety. Why did I think that just because I had a grandmother who was extremely intuitive, an older mother who supported my explorations into the unknown, and a few otherworldly experiences, that I had something of importance to pass on?  Yet, in spite of these unanswered questions, I continue to write. Writing helps me put my thoughts, feelings and intuitions in some kind of “order.” Sometimes, it helps me make sense of the world.

Writing a blog for mid-life mothers on intuition and Spirit is intimidating. It’s not easy. It’s not the topic, but rather how to convey the indispensable role intuition plays in our lives, and its significance to the future of our children and the planet.

When it comes to being intuitive, it is my opinion that older mothers have an advantage because they have more life experience. Experience isn’t intuition, but they often go “hand in hand.” Mid-life mothers have the resiliency they are being called upon to teach their children (so they can prepare for challenges ahead).  And, I predict, resiliency is a word we will frequently hear spoken over the next few years.

Future Challenges for Our Children

Through an interesting, synchronistic, event I learned of ‘peak oil.’ Oil “peaking” was so inconceivable (to me) that I have spent the past four years researching this complex economic theory (as explained by M. King Hubbert, Richard Heinberg, Colin Campbell, and others.) In the midst of my research it quickly became clear to me that it wasn’t my own future I needed to be concerned about, but the future of all humanity. Our endless growth model is coming to an end, and there is abundant evidence we are facing dramatic ecological and environmental changes that are threatening existence, as we know it.

The good news in all of this is that there is a new story emerging that is replacing the old story of western civilization, as we know it. This new story urges us to learn who we are as humans and learn how to live so we do not destroy the planet.  It compels us to get in touch with our spiritual, intuitive nature, and to reconnect with nature herself.

The hunter-food gathering societies that lived prior to the agricultural societies did not see themselves as separate from nature, but rather a part of nature. Men, women and children gathered food and shared it equally. It was important to their survival that everyone participated and thrived. There was no wealth and no poverty.

Now to the point of this blog.  Mothers carry the role of being intuitive, not just for the immediate safety of her children, but she has to anticipate the world her children will grow up in. Older mothers, through their life experiences, know ways that are life supporting both for her and others. This ability to “see clearly” will be what protects the matters of Spirit that cannot be allowed to perish from this earth.

While we probably cannot adequately prepare our children for the magnitude of changes that we expect to occur, we can intuitively help them adapt more readily. We can teach them to expect the unexpected, to respect and value all life, to understand that there is more to reality than that which can be measured. Science and the intellect will have its place, but it will be along side intuition and creativity, not in place of it.

Preparing our children for an uncertain future is a dilemma that all parents face.  The good news is that children being born in these times have everything they will need to create a new story, and our intuition will help write it. It is a story of heart, of cooperation rather than competition, love and compassion rather than violence and hate. It is a story of the relationship between humans and non-humans.

This could be a good time.