Aaaaahhhhh. Here I am again. Blogging on my own website……………..

Welcome to my new blog. For those of you already following me on
www.Motherhood, I’m now here, as well. I thought it fitting to address head-on a topic near and dear to many midlife mothers: menopause. I look forward to writing for and meeting up with you……………….

M is for Menopause and Mommyhood

For many women, life works like this:
Grow Up
Get a job
Fall in Love
Get Married
Have Babies
Grow Older
Babies go to college and/or get a job

For new older mothers, it more often goes like this:
Grow Up
Get a Job
Look for Mr. Right
Look for Mr. Right
Look for Mr. Right
Marry, or not
Try to have babies
Use in vitro; sperm donors/egg donors; adopt; foster; become a guardian, use a surrogate
Enter perimenopause
Become menopausal while
Babies go through school
Babies go to college and/or get a job

It’s important to see this in living color. For many of us, this is our truth. And, it becomes a hard thing to reconcile given the emotional, physical, physiological and financial components. In short, all of this becomes damn complicated. It’s hard to navigate these waters at this stage of our lives. We have few role models to work from; often have scant resources to utilize; and even more importantly, we can’t find the support we need from family or friends. We often can’t even find it from other mothers.

As new older mothers, we’re asked to reformulate the images that many of us grew up with – partnering and then having children, or having a traditional family unit which often exists, in part, for this purpose. But, what happens when it doesn’t go as planned – when Mr. Right never shows up, or age precludes the commonly accepted practice of becoming pregnant before hitting menopause? What if the gears finally fall into place after the body is incapable of producing this blessed event? What if the gears never fall into place? What if a woman desperately wants children, but can’t, and doesn’t have the money to pursue it in any direction?

These are some of the topics we hope to address here. We hope to also discuss………..daily mothering. Daily spirituality. Daily living. This time it’s from another perspective. Ours.
Please join us in our quest to help demystify our lives.

M is for menopause, mommyhood, midlife motherhood and………………maturity.
We’re all right here.