The Blessing of the Strong-Willed Child

by Melissa Lapides

Image courtesy of Image courtesy of theeducatorsspinonit.

Nobody warned you when becoming a parent that there might be times, sometimes more than not, that your child can be unlikeable, maybe even plain excruciating to be around. This could very well be the case if you are parenting a strong-willed child. The whining, relentless demanding and explosive reactions can be downright exhausting for a parent. This is not generally the type of reaction you imagine yourself having toward your child when you are pregnant or planning a family.

Feeling this way toward your child can be an awful feeling for a mother to have or share. The shame around it is horrific and humiliating to even imagine sharing with another mother. You may wonder if you are the only mother who has these feelings toward your children at all. It really does seem like every other mother is adoring and so calm around her children, right? […]

Taking a Deep Look At Ourselves

Melissa Lapides, MA MFT

Looking in the mirrorIn any healthy relationship there is a need to be consistently looking at what we, as individuals, are bringing into the relationship- both good and bad. Relationships need nurturing in order to grow and evolve. It is much like a plant. Without proper care, it cannot thrive. I tell clients all the time that relationships will not evolve without effort. It takes consistent, active participation. The relationship with our children is no exception. […]

How to Find Your Mothering Zen

by Melissa Lapides, MA, MFT

motherhoodAs a mother, it is sometimes hard to find peace in a busy day. I am not just talking about the kind of peace that you experience by the few valued moments that you actually get to sit down and relax, but about the inner peace that makes you feel connected to your purpose in being a mother.

Sometimes you can get so caught up in the daily routines and emotions that it is hard to connect to what you are really working towards as a parent. Raising children can feel busy and repetitive at times and sometimes you can loose sight of what you are really trying to accomplish. Are you working towards how many activities you can successfully get your children to participate in or are you working towards raising your children to be self-confident, self-reliant adults. […]

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