Dear Reader – I write often about motherhood, children and life.  I write about my experiences, the experiences of others and provide general social commentary regarding our lives. But, a photo by my friend and Mothering writer, Wendy Sue Noah, struck a deep chord.

Here’s her seven-year-old son, Samaj, meditating among the things he cherishes the most. Here he is, surrounded by a wall of safety; here he’s found his “place,” his hallowed ground. So, it is to him that I dedicate this essay.

samaj meditating

Safety is something I care deeply about. I do not so much mean safety from external elements, but rather the internal safety which carries us far throughout our lives.

In my daily yoga practice, and my thrice-weekly yoga sessions, I patiently work through physical, emotional and physiological issues. I give daily thanks and blessings; I am full of gratitude for the things that I have and for the life I lead. But, I struggle with the safety part – the result of childhood experiences and personal traumas.

Therefore, safety is paramount for me – it determines what I do and when; how I feel and why I’ve chosen some of my paths. This photo now sits above my computer – a testament to the power of children, the ability to exercise free-will, and the safety that life, at its finest, can truly bestow.

May I offer you, in advance of the New Year, many blessings for safety, good health, happiness and all that your heart desires. May this be a good year for your children, your friends and those you hold dear to your heart. May your life be filled with ease.

From my heart to yours –
