
There comes a time when only soup will suffice. Your Nana’s homemade chicken soup. That tomato soup you always had with grilled cheese sandwiches when you were a kid. Thick, hearty minestrone that you get from the corner deli. Mulligatawny, zuppa di pesce, avoglomeno, menudo, borscht. Soup winds around your bones and finds its way into every nook and cranny of your soul and warms you from the inside out. Soup is as comfortable as a bear hug and twice as soothing. It quiets down cranky children and anxious adults and gets the thumbs-up when nothing else will do. When a sandwich is too much and a salad too little, soup hits the sweet spot. Steaming in bowls and mugs, tickling noses and warming hands, soup offers pure love in every spoonful and a meal in every can. For super-duper suppers, nothing satisfies like soup.