
The most important person you’ll ever forgive is you. Forgive yourself for not being the perfect mother (whatever that is!). Forgive yourself for being blinded by love (or by fear or by attraction or by fill-in-the-blank). Forgive yourself for having children too early, too late, in or out of the right or wrong marriage, or any combination of the above. Wash away guilt with forgiveness. Cleanse yourself of regret through forgiveness. If you can’t find a way to forgive yourself for making choices that now seem less than ideal, how can you imagine that others can possibly find their way? How will you move through forgiveness? Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself. Sing a forgiving song. Dance your forgiveness into the floor. Bead a necklace of forgiveness, knit a scarf of forgiveness, and let forgiveness drop out of every finger as you work. Wear your forgiveness close to you heart, where you’ll be certain not to forget it.