
No matter what the clock says, the only time is Now. That beautiful smile on your little one’s face is Now, so don’t miss it. The inquisitive eyes, the questions about love and babies, are happening Now, so don’t put them off. Your teenager is asking your advice Now, and for all you know, it may be the first and last time it happens. This moment with this child on this day will never come around again. So revel in the Now – and in every Now that’s bound to follow. Focus your attention on this moment, this book, this child, this stormy night – not on what you’re going to take to the dry cleaners tomorrow. Bring your presence to this scraped knee, to this picture of a pony, to this exquisite human connection right Now – not to a replay of the blowup you had yesterday with the man in accounting. Every time you retreat to the past or the future, you’re certain to miss what is Now.