Yesterday, my son bounded up to me with so much energy and unbridled joy that I thought I would burst with pride. A few days ago, my daughter smiled her goofy school-girl smile and I promised myself that that image would remain an indelible mark on my brain until the day I die.

These are the moments to treasure. I do think that Kodak got it right (the creator of that ad just had to be a parent).

They say that when you die your life flashes before you as you review what you lived. You then get to reassess, revise and re-examine anything you failed to achieve or missed.

I swear that I will do everything possible to make these “in the moment” memories last a lifetime. I would also swear that I never had these (types of) moments before I had children.

So, today, I promise myself to cherish my memories, cherish my “in the moments,” and cherish my children. At least for today…..