OK, wranglers, we are just under three weeks until school begins. I know you don’t think you’ve had enough time off, but HEAR THIS, get your #2 pencils sharpened and your backpacks loaded up, because it’s time to return to the halls of knowledge!!

Close your eyes and think back to all the fun times we had this summer.  A trip to Pensacola Beach where you guys learned how to boogie-board, fun at Six Flags, lots of friends over to swim, sleepovers and just lazing around.

Mom has a few things she would like to do when you kids are reading, writing, and socializing with your buddies.  Do you wanna hear them?

 – Go out to lunch where I can sit down and order from a menu, versus the drive-thru at Chik-Fil-A, where the only human interaction I have is the hand sticking out the window, presenting me with a bag full of calories!

– Take a walk with my favorite two canines, Smart Border Collie and The Black Dog, without having to worry and wonder what you two are doing while I’m gone. 

– Get into my spacious minivan by myself and take care of business without having to dole out warnings to the passengers in the back seat, oh and maybe even hear the music that’s playing!

– Sit by the pool, ALONE!  Even though you guys will be in school, I will probably still hear your voices, “Mom, he splashed me,” or  “Hey Mom, watch this!”

– Shopping will be a glorious experience. I will once again be able to bypass the Lego’s, the $50 video games and your favorite, the junk food aisle.

Of course I will miss our lunches together and watching cartoons in the morning, but it’s time for us to get back on track and carry on!