I am going to practice being elegant… I will start with my daughter Mina by focusing more on time to play and not being such a parent all the time.

I will make this pinkie promise with myself today, this morning… to not be always busy or in “parent” mode with her.

I am posting this here to help make my promise more real.

It’s simple to say something. Yet damn hard to follow thru with your actions… (even in actions that should just be natural). It’s all too easy for momentum, obligations, commitments, judgements and so many other ideals or events to sweep one away from the actions we want to hold as our center.

Now this is a lesson for you the reader. Do you take time to play? Do you take time to explore your life… Or do you just make excuses and put off living till tomorrow?

A life built on excuses just means to grow old and die a life un-lived.

Casey Kochmer is a Taoist Teacher located on the Big Island of Hawaii. He works with people around the world to turn mid life crisis into a process of positive transformation and a better life. Visit http://personaltao.com/taoism-library/midlife-crisis/ if you are looking for additional insights about mid life crisis. Casey had his daughter when he was 41.