Healing Angel by Jo Beth Young

Healing Angel
by Jo Beth Young

Have you ever wondered if your child has a Guardian Angel? If you have had your own first-hand experience of Angels, then you’ll already be in doubt that they do! However, if you’ve yet to see or sense the angelic realm around you, help is at hand!

I’m looking forward to sharing my experience and insights with you to help you make this loving heavenly link which not only brings a whole new exciting dimension to parenting but can help us understand our own children on an even deeper level.

I have connected consciously with Angels since childhood myself and I can tell you that not only do your children and yourself have these beautiful benevolent beings of light loving looking over you, but that far from being ‘wishful thinking,’ they actually have a very important and  integral role during the different stages of your child’s development.

From the first stages of pregnancy, your baby, in beautiful soul form is hovering in and around you, waiting to land and integrate fully into their new physical body.  This is a very precious and delicate time for both mother and child, during which the guardian angels of you both are working to ensure a safe carriage, delivery and spiritual heart bonding between parent and child. Their role as protector has already begun from conception onwards and many pregnant women say they have felt this loving new energy and presence making itself known during this time.

At the time of birth there is very strong angelic presence for this critical moment of delivery.  This can also be pinnacle experience for many mothers and family members where they can actually ‘feel’ the presence of assistance and help after delivery (few people notice much other than the raw birth experience itself!)  I have seen that many angels gather in the delivery room with different roles to play. Some are there in medical assistance, some are there as overseers, some are there for relationship and ‘soul contract’ reasons and some are there in celebration! The bringing of a new being forward into this world is not taken lightly at all by the angelic realm that’s for sure!  Each child is cherished and has their own personal mission and purpose for being here and therefore we all come into life with angelic assistance to do the learning, growing and service we are here to do.

When a child is not traditionally conceived, and is adopted or fostered out, the guardian angels work with the very special soul contract and bond that is created through the process. This bond connects the bloodlines energetically. This is a fascinating subject we will discussed further at a later date.

Angels stay close to us all our lives, but during the early years and up until the age of around four or six, children are likely to see and/or communicate with their angels very clearly still. It’s important that we let them express this and enjoy this connection as it brings great comfort to them and for us, can be a wonderful learning experience of our own. One of my friends has a daughter who had such clear angelic sight and was allowed to express it fully in-front of visitors. She would often speak words of insight at the age of 6 that sounded like they came from an old wise woman from the mountains. This is not an unfamiliar story!

Angelic protection is always present.  My Mum was born during the Second World War in the West End of London. As a young baby she was taken regularly into the underground to shelter from bomb raids while they waited to be evacuated to Suffolk. One day my Grandmother took my tiny Mum to a top class hotel to meet a friend and have tea. As they approached the door to enter my Mum screamed and screamed at the top of her lungs. My Gran noticed that as soon as they stepped away from the door,  the screaming stopped and then any attempt to go back into the building would set if off again. Feeling a little embarrassed at taking her screaming child the restaurant she walked three blocks away to another hotel where my Mum had now settled down and seemed perfectly happy. Within half an hour the other hotel was suddenly bombed, leaving nothing but rubble and destruction in its wake. My Gran always expressed that Mum was listening to her guardian angels to steer them out of most certain danger.

A child doesn’t always try to get our attention because they need something or are being demanding.  There are times when they are tuning in to what’s going on and this is something I am so looking forward to sharing with you even more! Next time we will be looking at how to connect with our Angels and those of our children to bring so much fun and creativity into the early stages.

Jo Beth Young, 35, is a Holistic Practitioner, Musician and Writer. She is a workshop creator/facilitator and practitioner in the fields of Angels, Energy Healing, Sacred Space and Sound. She teaches courses in Angels and their connection to children and has successfully used energy and sound techniques to assist children with learning difficulties and illness. An artist and songwriter also, she is currently writing spiritually inspired stories for children which she is looking forward to illustrating. She lives in the South of England and is based at http://www.hummingbirdtree.com/. She is delighted to be able to contribute to this very special blog.