Today, I awoke to find Karen Maezen Miller’s blog, Cheerio Road, in my emailbox. With quiet time, and everyone still in bed, I decided to read it, and scrolled down her “must reads” to find Jena Strong’s I Am Good Enough, with musings about “coming out,” which were breathtaking. Scrolling down her “must reads” I found life coach Tara Sophia Mohr’s “10 Rules for Brilliant Living.” So brilliant, I will be posting them on our site, shortly.

Clicking on her thumbnails moved me to Moving Memoirs Blog – 3 Sisters Village, the kind words (in video) and meditation practice of Tara Brach, and finally to the book, Self Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind, by Kristin Neff. I ordered it.

Here’s what I started and ended with, from Cheerio Road:

Leaving things be

The dryer broke, the weeds are choking, the dust is piling, the heat is climbing, I’m leaving things be. Here are some other pursuits for the time being.

Right Here With You – A new book on relationships, with some of my stuff on marriage.
Relationship with Fear – Our first and last love.
A Gust of Wind – God breathing a reminder to let go.
The Body of Wisdom – Feets of faith.
Impossible Things Happen – This right here is your proof.
Shells on the Beach – The illusion of self.
Brain Drain – Nowhere to go, nothing to get.

When I look, I mean really look at what appears before me,  I find that I often get what I need. It’s now 6:33 a.m. My children are awakening…