The Blessing of the Strong-Willed Child

by Melissa Lapides

Image courtesy of Image courtesy of theeducatorsspinonit.

Nobody warned you when becoming a parent that there might be times, sometimes more than not, that your child can be unlikeable, maybe even plain excruciating to be around. This could very well be the case if you are parenting a strong-willed child. The whining, relentless demanding and explosive reactions can be downright exhausting for a parent. This is not generally the type of reaction you imagine yourself having toward your child when you are pregnant or planning a family.

Feeling this way toward your child can be an awful feeling for a mother to have or share. The shame around it is horrific and humiliating to even imagine sharing with another mother. You may wonder if you are the only mother who has these feelings toward your children at all. It really does seem like every other mother is adoring and so calm around her children, right? […]