Misery Loves Company – A Mom’s Up and Down Journey

by Jane Samuel

beach chairsThis morning when I should have been tending to any number of things I hopped on Facebook. I knew I owed a few friends a recipe and was on my way to look up who in my messages tab when I decided to scroll down and see what was new on the “block.”  Since I only manage to get on Facebook about twice a week for a grand total of ten minutes – no, I am not cool –there is usually a lot new.

Amid the save-this-animal, clap-for-that-child, and find-this-funny was MotheringintheMiddle’s post:  Misery Loves Company.  Ah, this same tune had been playing over and over in my mind since 2013 poked its head in the door.

Misery sure does love company. […]