Fall, in the footsteps of my mother

by Andrea Lynn

I always feel like my mother when I clean the oven. I did it last night in recognition that our days of barbecuing will be curtailed soon enough, and an oven-warmed house will soon be a lovely thing. Oven cleaning has come a long way, with the push of a button, but there is still the messy bit at the end that involves rubber gloves, and that is when I feel like my mother — in the best possible way. Productive. […]

Extreme Parenting

by Peg O'Neill

Amy Chua’s new book, “Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother” has created an impressive flurry of opinion on parenting.  This memoir, written by a Chinese-American mother who rejects “The Western Style of Parenting” in favor of a more stringent method consistent with her traditional Chinese upbringing, has ignited praise, criticism and even indignation.  It has been a hot topic of discussion in the media, and among many of the mothers who bring their children to my practice.  Thus, it was with a considerable amount of curiosity that I began my read of “Tiger Mother.” […]

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