The Sandwich Generation and Their Parents’ Tarnished Golden Years

By Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. and Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D

Parents of Baby Boomers look toward their sixties, seventies and eighties as golden years, with the chance to enjoy the fruits of their labors.  But what happens when those days become tarnished gold?  What if nothing you or your parents do can restore the shine you all were expecting?  This is what faces the Sandwich Generation each year when their parents are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, senile dementia or stroke.  […]

6 Tips for Sandwiched Boomers Planning Summer Staycations

By Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. and Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D.

With the high price of gasoline, are you thinking of canceling your vacation trip? This summer more and more Sandwiched Boomers are reducing their carbon footprint by taking “staycations” with their families. Why drive to a resort when there are community swimming pools around the corner? Why plan a remote getaway when you can relax in the beauty and serenity near you? You don’t need to travel to the city for excitement when you can create your own at home. […]

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