What I Do

by Joely Johnson Mork

People ask me what I do. Sometimes, I find myself groping for an answer. I will admit to having referred to myself as a “writer.” That simple answer works as well as “editor” or “late-in-life mommy” or “that 40-something woman married to that 30-something guy.”

I have, in fact, been published on numerous occasions, so you would think I must find time to write on a regular basis. But there are so many other things I do that define me. […]

A Mother’s Day Essay

by Joely Johnson Mork

This year I will celebrate my first Mother’s Day as a mom. My son is 8 months old, which means he has been out here, breathing on his own in this big, scary world almost as long as he was growing snug, warm, and safe inside of my 43-year-old body. […]

Surviving New Midlife Motherhood

by Joely Johnson Mork

This topic is not what this blog post was going to be about. I was going to write about something much lighter, more manageable, and less anxiety provoking. But what has been on my mind for the past few weeks is survival. How do women survive motherhood? How do women like us, who have lived their lives differently for so long, suddenly (or not so suddenly) find themselves mothers and manage to keep working, thinking, breathing? I am unashamed to say I need to know. Because I am finding myself in a corner, with nowhere to run but here. […]

Ode to the C Block

by Joely Johnson Mork

When Cyma asked me what my angle on older motherhood would be for this blog, I told her that I am a professional freelance health writer and also a certified yoga instructor. Meh, meh. But her ears really pricked up when I mentioned that my husband is more than a bit younger than I am. When I explained that my husband is 29 and I am 43, Cyma immediately replied, “Well, we know who is having sex!” […]

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