Dear Coffee, Oh Dear…

by Janet Madsen

Dear Coffee,

I have loved you for so many years, and yet I fear our days are numbered. When I started with you as a teen, it was instant; it was sweetened artificially and barely shaded with watery skim milk- teen love in a cup. You rocketed me through my twenties as I juggled two jobs and university. You were with me on first dates. When my kids were babies, a wee sip here and there perked me up for the necessary and endless tasks that went along with newbie parenting, then parenting of two. So why the potential break up?


Alas, I cannot bear you. That first sip in the morning is sublime- the cream, the brown sugar, the deep taste of possibility for the hours ahead. But my heart beats for you- a little too much. No make that, too, too much. […]