Old = Dirty? (A Commentary on the UK’s First Response Campaign)

by Elizabeth Gregory

Dear Reader: This commentary is in response to a new ad campaign in Britain sponsored by the pregnancy testing company First Response, which warns young women that their childbearing years are numbered. You can find related articles on midlifemothers/facebook.

One of the nice things about being an older mom is the friendly comments you get: just this morning a 29-year old I’d just met remarked apropos of nothing in particular that I didn’t look 55.  She hoped she’d look like me when she was my age!

Maybe she was lying, but she had no particular reason to.  More likely she was just telling me that I looked a lot better than she’d expected for the elderly mother of an 8 year old.  It’s not hard to succeed in that territory.  Who am I to turn down a compliment? […]