I’m not typically a Mommy who worries.  Really. 

But I have my moments.  I have my doubts, fears, and insecurities like many Moms do.

Or do they?

Maybe it is just me? 

Either way, I’m gonna throw caution to the wind, and just lay it all out.

I’m a big believer in living a transparent life, so why would my Mommy Confessions be any different?

1.   Sometimes if I’m not in my office the next day and am instead working from home, I’ll wear the same clothes I slept in the next day. And the go to the gym and work out in them.  Tank top, Lululemon pants, thank you very much.

2.  On days when I’m doing a lot of butt wiping with my 1 and 3 1/2 year old, I smell the faint whiff of poo throughout the entire day. I wonder if other people can smell it on me.

3.   Sometimes I look at the dark circles under my eyes, and the wrinkles on my face, and wonder where  the younger looking, energetic and vibrant me went.

4.  I wonder if my husband still finds me attractive.  I don’t find me attractive some days, and feel about as frumpy as can be.  Some days I’ve just stopped caring about how I look and am simply trying to make it through the day.

5.   I’m sometimes on my phone checking email, Facebook, Twitter or my Mom at 41 Podcast rankings on iTunes when I’m with my kids.  Not proud of this one at all.  My oldest son, Tyson, has even told me to put down my phone.

6.   I’m often happy on Sunday nights because my boys are back in their day home the next  day and I can get stuff done again.  I crave having routine after my crazy kid-filled weekends.

7.  I wonder if other moms think I’m really my sons’ mom. I don’t look like them, I’m older, and my boys don’t look alike.  Do they know I’m an adoptive momma?

8.  I would often rather stay home versus having to plan out some type of outing with my boys.  It often ends up (or starts out) in some type of upset, which is just easier dealing with at home.  So why bother?

9.  I worry and wonder if my kids will have a rocky relationship with me when they’re older like I have had over the years with my mom. 

10. I wonder if I’m a good enough mom.  Am I doing enough?  Should I be doing more? And will this feeling ever go away, or is it normal for all moms to feel this way?

11.  Will other kids make fun of my boys because I’m an ‘older’ mom?  Will they resent me because of it?

12.  Will my kids end up doing drugs? I’ve known some really great families with really great parents that have had this happen to their kids.  What will I do if that was to happen to me?

13.  Will my boys become great men?  Will I teach them enough to respect women, be kind, know it’s okay to show their feelings as men?  Will they become good husbands/partners and good dads?

I hope this has made you laugh, made you think, and perhaps, even made you feel you are not alone in this journey of Motherhood.

Let’s all stop pretending that everything is perfect, and that we don’t have any struggles as Moms.

And come out of the Mommy closet and share your Confessions with another great Mom you know today.

In the words of Brene Brown, one of my biggest influences for living a vulnerable life:

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”

Dr. Karen OsburnDr. Karen is a Passionate Chiropractor, Adoptive Momma to her two sons, Tyson and Kai, Podcaster, Blogger, and Wife. She is the creator and founder of Mom at 41: Embracing Imperfect Moms EverywhereMom at 41 is a Podcast that quickly rose to the top of the iTunes chart after it launched at the end of July 2014. It also includes a weekly Blog, Newsletter, Resources, and a Facebook Community that discusses the challenges of being a mom, and the life lessons along the way. www.momat41.com