My Mystical Journey to Midlife Motherhood

by Laura Jane Murphy

Laura and young daughterI have always felt there was a mystical path for my becoming a mother.   It took longer and was more challenging than I could have wanted or expected.  Through it all, I never doubted in my conviction that my destiny was to be a “mom.”

Life is a scavenger hunt and there are clues presented through following the vibration of the heart. Reason has nothing to do with Love.

Today, at 60, I am the proud mother of a young teenage daughter embarking on her future. I dislike labels, so I consider myself a late bloomer – not an “older mom.”

Yet, I also find myself in a tough place of introspection, realizing my years ahead will be less than the ones gone by in my “rear view mirror.”  For the last few years, I am no longer someone’s daughter – I said goodbye to that sweet role with the death of both my parents. […]

Stretching the Start of Motherhood

by Susan Newman

“This is a good article about why, in terms of fertility, it is not a wise idea to wait,” wrote a commenter in response to The Ideal Age to Have a Baby. However, a new study shows that the likelihood of having a baby after 40 is quite good.
Yes, you can reverse your biological clock. For so many reasons, we all can’t—and don’t—have our babies in our 20s and early 30s. In response to my post, 40 is the New 20 for Having Babies, here is one of several similar comments that explain why many of us come to motherhood later: “I think everyone’s situation is unique. I think if I had a time machine and could have met my husband when I was in my mid to late 20’s, we would have had 2-3 children by the time I was 35. But life doesn’t work that way. I am so blessed to have our son and, yes, even at 41, we are considering another child probably also requiring IVF.” […]

Bad Mother

by Andrea Lynn

It is the era of the Bad Mother confessional. Proud recounting of the slacker things we do as moms, the ways in which we defiantly refuse to compete for the Mother of the Year award. Everywhere one turns, it seems, mothers are unashamedly sharing the ways at which they don’t quite meet the needs of their children. […]

Midlife Mothering – Reinventing Myself and My Mothering After 40

by Kathy Caprino

As a 50-year-old mother of two – aged 13 and 16 – and a coach, entrepreneur and author, my plate is over-the-top full, as is the case for thousands of women today.  I work with women who are facing numerous crises in their lives.  The top challenge for them?  The utter inaccessibility of work-life balance, and the chronic feeling that they’re letting down everything and everyone who matters to them. […]

Age Before Beauty: A View From Canada

by Andrea Lynn

I had my first IVF and first daughter in the United States; my second IVF and second daughter in Canada, two years later. There is little cultural divide, fertility-wise, between the two countries. My American reproductive endocrinologist, like my Canadian, was a strange amalgam of cautious aggression and hopeful pessimism, and both men seemed to want to simultaneously scare and reassure me as they prodded and poked my aging eggs. The clinic in Canada had massage chairs and a huge fish tank; the American better magazines and logo. Needless to say, stirrups are stirrups, no matter which side of the border I was on. Obstetrically, my file was stamped “AMA” – Advanced Maternal Age – in both countries, winning me extra ultrasounds and blood tests each time. Neither obstetrician cared whether I dyed my greying hair during the first trimester (I didn’t anyway, a triumph for the alarmist-pregnancy industry). […]

Advanced Maternal Age: It Is What It Is…

by Peg O’Neill

“I hate to remind you of this, but you do fall into the category of Advanced Maternal Age…” said my obstetrician at one of my early prenatal visits, the one when you’re supposed to discuss options for prenatal testing.  Unwisely, my husband started chuckling, but shut up immediately when I glared at him with one of those hormonally-charged looks of scorn that only pregnant and peri-menopausal women can muster. […]

Move Over, Grandma! An excerpt from “Parentally Insane”

by Julie Donner Andersen

Spring has sprung.* It’s not so much the warmer temperatures or the tulips fighting to push through the soil that clue me in.  It’s the sudden appearance of Spandex trotting down my street in the form of lithe, housebound new mothers pushing those newfangled three-wheeled jogging strollers for some fresh air and exercise. […]

“Plenty of Time”

by Nancy Alspaugh-Jackson

PLENTY OF TIME… I always said, plenty of time to have children one day. That was my mantra from my late teens to late thirties, from single girl to married woman, divorced woman back to single again. When I actually met and married a man who wanted to start a family at the same time I did, “Plenty of time” turned into “Right now!” […]

Later Moms: Rocking the Cradle and the World

by Elizabeth Gregory

We tend to think of later motherhood in personal terms – often focusing on the story of each woman’s journey to having kids at what is still sometimes considered an advanced age. But when all these personal choices are added together, they have enormous ripple effects, unraveling the old social fabric and moving us all toward a very different tomorrow. […]

M is for Menopause and Mommyhood

by Cyma Shapiro

Aaaaahhhhh. Here I am again. Blogging on my own website……………..

Welcome to my new blog. For those of you already following me on
www.Motherhood, I’m now here, as well. I thought it fitting to address head-on a topic near and dear to many midlife mothers: menopause. I look forward to writing for and meeting up with you………………. […]

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