Fertility Eating on the Road

by Cindy Bailey

healthy foodIt can be especially rough trying to stick to a fertility diet (or any diet, for that matter) when you’re travelling. You may not have access to a kitchen, and depending on where you go, you may not be able to find your usual healthy foods or know where to go to get them. Here are some tips to help:


  • Do the best you can with what you got. If you go out to a restaurant, try to make it one that serves salads or vegetables. Even if these items are not organic, you’ll still get the nutritional value, and they’re a whole lot healthier than eating pizza, sandwiches or cream- (and wheat-) laden pasta. Plus, you can eat as much of it as you want. […]

Late Bloomers

by Jenilyn Gilbert

holding_seedlingSeems I live in the most fertile house in history.  Everything about this house is fertile and that’s partly why this house was so appealing to buy.   Eight children and two parents lived here before we bought it last summer.  Later I learned that the mother was expecting her ninth baby.

The neighbors joke, “Don’t drink the water in that house!” I was drinking water by the gallons, are you kidding me?  Although normally I’m pretty conscious of drinking only filtered water, I started drinking straight from the tap as well as offering it to all of my fertility clients. […]

Gluten and Fertility

by Cindy Bailey

wheatI have already written about wheat (which contains gluten) and why it needs to come out of your fertility diet in a previous blog. To recap: wheat is, first of all, hard to digest. “It’s like Velcro on your gut,” a chiropractic doctor at a naturopathic clinic told me recently. In addition, if you’re sensitive to it—and a large percentage of people are, many without knowing it—wheat can cause all kinds of problems and affect thyroid function. All of this is not good for fertility. […]

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