Our First Real Vacation With the Twins

by DeAnna Scott


DeAnna Scott and twins at the beachOur annual vacation for the past 11 years has not changed. My husband and I, and now with our 14 month old twins, spend our annual 10 day vacation with family and friends on Hatteras Island North Carolina.   The trip is something we look forward to and plan extensively for, every year.

Although it is a sweet, tender time of reunion with our East Coast family, this year seemed to have more than its share of trouble. To be brutally honest, not at all what I would consider a vacation in the restful sense of the word.

Since the twins were 14 months old, I felt I had to be uber-prepared. For weeks I had been making lists of everything we might need for traveling, playing, eating, sleeping and swimming:  lists which included entries for items such as portable high- chairs, bathing suits, clothes, sunscreen, pool toys, regular toys, sleeping arrangements, diapers, wipes, diaper cream, snacks, car seats, to name just a few.  […]

Happy First Year to My Twinsies

by DeAnna Scott


I’m exhausted.  I am sitting here surrounded by birthday presents, picking pieces of Gigglebellies carrot cake out of my hair, feet aching from an afternoon of running around, stomach rumbling because I forgot to eat and two 1 year olds safely tucked away in their cribs.  All in all, the first year birthday party was a complete success.  The guests enjoyed themselves and we survived.  The day wasn’t without its hiccups, but much like this first year, it has ended beautifully.

I honestly think part of my exhaustion this day is the emotional roller coaster I’ve been on these past several weeks remembering the journey that began one year and nine months ago.  It was then we learned our surrogate, Jess, was pregnant with our twins.   The absolute profoundness of our experiences, since we found out, makes me heady; weepy and excited, melancholy and cheerful – but totally intoxicated in awe and wonder! […]

Offering a Mother’s Day – To Others

by DeAnna Scott

Deanna's two kids

This Mother’s Day will be the first one I can celebrate as a mother of humans.  I spent many years celebrating Mother’s Day as a mom of furry four-legged critters, but of course it wasn’t the same.  In actuality, it hid the emptiness I had – an emptiness brought on by years of infertility and loss.

Women who are currently in the throes of, or those that have been through infertility, most assuredly can relate to these feelings.  It is because of this emptiness that on this first Mother’s Day and all that shall follow, I shall celebrate it feeling grateful – I don’t want it to be a celebration in honor of me as a mother since it is I who has the honor to have been blessed with my two baby humans.

Yet, I can’t help but contemplate the emptiness of the remaining members of the moms-in-waiting alliance.  It’s a club no woman wants to be a part of; you don’t volunteer for it and you certainly don’t search it out.  But you pay your dues – you have no choice in the matter. As a matter of fact, you pay years of dues reluctantly learning that often this quest for motherhood is a journey, not a sprint.  At least for us in the club. […]

Perspectives in (Being) Happy

by DeAnna Scott

Pharrell-Williams-Happy-2013-1200x1200My new favorite song is Pharrell Williams “Happy.”  I always feel so empowered and well, pretty darn happy when I hear it.  I especially love the videos that he posted on his website – there is usually one person placed in a public location, like Union Station, and then, the song starts.

Soon, a person begins to move with the beat, slowly at first, sort of shy about it since they are in a public place then pretty soon the music overtakes them and they dance, clap their hands and kick their feet appearing to not give a damn what anyone thinks and completely oblivious to those around them. 

I love this and feel like I am starting to embrace this attitude now the older I get. […]

Two Degrees of Separation: How My Surrogate’s Mother Became My Newborns’ Grandmother

by DeAnna Scott

Photo courtesy of DeAnna Scott Photo courtesy of DeAnna Scott

I know a woman.  She is older than me, but not by too much.  She is smart (a teacher). She is entertaining, loving, and kind with a gorgeous head of purple hair.  She is my children’s grandmother – the only grandmother they have related to them by blood.  But she is not my mother nor is she my husband’s mother.

She is our surrogate’s mother and I don’t know if she realizes how awesome we think she is and how grateful we are that she is our children’s grandmother.  […]

New Mom, New Year, New Beginnings

by DeAnna Scott

Courtesy, DeAnna Scott Photography Courtesy, DeAnna Scott Photography

This is my 46th New Year and my 1st as a mom!  As I hold my daughter Phoebe, I start thinking about all the firsts that we, as a family, have to look forward to this year.  It is all so joyously overwhelming! My twins will learn how to crawl and then walk; say their first words, and maybe join them together to make sentences.  They will learn how to hug and kiss. And, most exciting of all, they will turn One!  Oh yay, a birthday party!  For these reasons, I embrace the New Year like I have never in my past 46 years – with a new gratefulness and excited anticipation. […]

Mom, Our Twins and Christmas

DeAnna Scott

DeannaThe Saturday after Thanksgiving, we decided to decorate our Christmas tree.  It was the earliest we had ever done that.  But we had the twins this year, and I wanted to leap into the holiday season with gusto. For now on, it was my intent to build up the anticipation of Christmas morning – to give my children as many days as possible to marvel at the season.

Although they are only six months old, it’s never too early to start traditions! […]

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