smiley faceThis year, March 20th is the first day of spring. And if that’s not enough to please you, the third annual International Day of Happiness falls on the same day. The United Nations General Assembly made it official by recognizing wellbeing as a fundamental right of people throughout the world.

Remember when Grammy Award winning musician Pharrell Williams teamed up with the UN Foundation to put some synergy in motion? The focus of the online happening was his infectious song “Happy.” You can watch funky videos from all over the world or listen to a jazz rendition.

According to President Abraham Lincoln, Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Why not make a happiness resolution? Choose one action that makes you feel good and commit to it daily.

Take a smile, for example. It’s easy to produce and doesn’t cost anything. Laughter, with a touch of humor, can improve communication and warm a cold heart in the midst of an argument. If you put a grin on your face, others see you as open and friendly, even fun loving. And when your eyes twinkle loved ones, and even strangers, light up.

Smiling is universal and understood by all. And it happens without much thought. What Louis Armstrong says in “When You’re Smiling” rings true – it’s contagious. If a police officer doesn’t write that ticket or you’re recognized for excellence in your work, you beam. Smiling is a natural way to share happiness with others.

Over 40% of happiness is attributable to intentional activity; that is, what we do for ourselves. Smiling is a powerful tool. It releases endorphins that are natural pain relievers and can improve your mood. According to some studies, smiling can lead to stronger relationships and a better quality of life.

There really is no quick fix when you’re in a bad mood or feeling blue. And ‘if only’ thinking–I had a better job, relationship, personality–won’t necessarily make you happy. But putting a smile on your face is a non-verbal interaction that can make you feel like a million bucks. Why not exercise your emotional options today and every day? So go ahead, choose happiness.