
When someone asks you what your favourite body part is, what do you answer?

Me, I answer, ” My Womb!”

My creativity, feminine power and inner guidance all arise from my womb and “she” gave me the greatest gift – my beautiful daughter!

So, it seems only natural that I share this passion with other women through the art of Fertility Massage. A treatment that is drawn from many indigenous cultures. A fusion of leading edge techniques including abdominal-sacral, pulsing, rebozo, reiki, guided visualisations and a twist of intuition that when blended together create this uniquely nurturing and sacred massage.

Physically, Fertility Massage focuses on bringing the organs into alignment, in particular the womb. A misaligned womb is common, with between 80 – 90% of us experiencing this. Although not detrimental to fertility, it’s certainly beneficial to realign, heal and cleanse her.

How many of the following questions do you tick “yes” to?

Do you experience either before or during your bleeding:

  • Brown blood at the beginning or end of your cycle
  • Change in bowel motions
  • Lower back ache
  • Increased need to urinate
  • A dragging or heavy sensation in your lower abdomen

It’s rare that none of those resonate, and therefore it is likely that instead of your womb sitting in her upright position just above your bladder, that maybe she’s tilted forwards pressing on your bladder, slipped downwards or leaning backwards resting on your spinal nerves or compressing your rectum.

So why do we only feel these sensations leading up to menses and not throughout the month, well an empty womb weighs about 1-2oz and a womb full of endometrial lining weighs approx 4oz! Heavier if you have fibroids.

When she is upright, she can cleanse herself each month, but if she’s hunched over, the lining will pool and create the brown blood that you see each month. She has to squeeze harder to clear the lining, and this will create cramping sensations, pulling on the attached ligaments.

When you go for a cervical smear, does the nurse complain that it’s hard to find your cervix? If your womb is misaligned, the cervix will be pointing in the wrong direction too.

So let’s imagine your womb is in the perfect position; she cleansing beautifully each month presenting you with a rich red bleed,  your cervix has a luscious flow of fertile mucus and you are pain free. A healthy, happy womb for your future baby to nestle into!

Abdominal Massage

Abdominal Massage

Now, let me ask you a question: When was the last time you thought about your womb? Was it in anger because she had bled again and failed you? When we are trying to conceive, each month as she bleeds, the disappointment and anger rises towards ourselves, but in fact this is really directed at our wombs.

Sit down, rest your hands on your womb and connect into her energy. How does she feel?

So often, when I connect to women’s wombs, they appear as an image of a little girl, lost, huddled in a corner, left by the wayside, sad and lonely.

Many of my clients are ladies in their 30’s and 40’s, mostly career women who are now trying for a baby. The first step for them all is to reconnect to their womb both physically and emotionally. Think how many years have you spent  shutting her down by using contraceptive pills, ignoring her as you were so busy with your career or popping pills to keep moving through period pain?

I ask all my clients to nurture themselves with self help massage, castor oil packs and yoni steams, along with adopting a healthy lifestyle.  If women cannot take the time to slow down and love themselves for a few moments each day, then what message is this sending your future baby?

So what about if you’re in your 40s and 50s and going through or been through your menopause? Now is the time to truly honour and respect her. She may no longer be functioning physically, but you and your womb are now in your “wise woman” years and she still wishes to communicate  with you energetically! When you connect in with her, reflect upon all the joy she has brought you, and release all that is weighing her down, releasing yourself from any pain,  negativity or sadness.  A beautiful & gentle method to cleanse her is a Yoni Steam Bath.*

For wombs that are no longer physically present, they are still there energetically. For  many there is relief when she’s been removed, usually due to pain that has been caused, and it may be hard to feel positively about her. It’s ok to feel that negativity as life isn’t always rosy but why not try this visualization. Placing your hands cupped in front of your lower abdomen, imagine a golden lotus flower, full of love and vibrancy, sitting in your hands. Wait until you can feel the warmth and life of the flower, then place the flower into your empty womb space, filling this emptiness with love, positivity and vibrant energy.

I’m delighted when women share how emotional and wonderful it was “meeting their womb,” and it can be truly powerful not just for fertility, but for our inner guidance. When we learn to listen to her, we hear our truths.

One client in her early 40’s realised that her womb was sad due to her choice in partner, once she waved goodbye to him, her bleeds were less painful, cycles regulated and her PMS disappeared!

Others have realised their true desires; whether a change in career, fulfilling a dream or becoming pregnant.

Our wombs are, and should be our soul sister through life!

I hope you can “Love your Womb!”

*For details on how to perform a Yoni Steam, please see here: http://www.fertilitymassage.co.uk/yoni-steam-bath

Clare BlakeClare Blake is the founder of Fertility Massage Therapy & Training, which is a unique treatment culminating 15 years work in the natural health field.  Clare is driven by her passion for assisting couples achieve healthy pregnancies and helping women to connect to their womb and call in their future baby. She is the author of “The Complete Guide to Fertility Massage” which can be accessed for free on her website and has devised a Self Help Fertility Massage online programme to support couples worldwide. www.fertilitymassage.co.uk