Q: Hi, Adam. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today. We’d like to shed light on the fascinating business of sperm donation – a more recent addition to the variety of paths leading to motherhood. Please tell me a little about how you started your company?

A: From just chatting about topical issues with various friends and acquaintances, I had a general awareness of the obstacles facing people  who – for whatever reason – have been unable to have children but who  still want to pursue that dream. I’m thinking of obstacles such as long  waiting lists for clinics, expensive fees for treatment, the embarrassment of asking for help from friends, that sort of thing.

Then I heard about a man who had offered his services (on Craigslist or  something similar) and thought there must be a middle way. I discussed  the concept of PureAdam with a great many female friends in their late  30s and 40s and they were extremely enthusiastic about the idea.

Q: Exactly how does sperm donation work?

A: PureAdam does not take sperm donations, act as a clinic, or anything  like that. We simply offer an online community space for people who are  interested in potentially meeting donors/recipients. The idea is that  members of the community can get to know each other a little bit by  exchanging emails using our website. We offer them that starting point,  then what they choose to do beyond that point (e.g. they might  eventually meet in person and together decide how they would like to  take things further) is completely up to them.

Q: Who are your typical donors and donor demographics? Who are your typical recipients and recipient demographics?

A: We don’t take any sperm donations, but I can give you some general information about the demographics of our community. They fall into four broad areas. Some are couples in mixed-sex but infertile relationships who are seeking someone to help them have a baby. Others are gay/lesbian couples who are seeking someone of the opposite sex to help them have a baby. There are single women (perhaps in their later 30s or 40s, but some are in their 20s), who want to find someone to father a child. And there are also single men who feel that they would like to father a child even though they are not in a relationship.

Q: What does this process typically cost the recipient?

A: Currently, we do not charge any fees for using our website. At a future date we may do so, but the fees would be low (similar to the fees people pay for using a dating site). Any agreements between donors and recipients are between themselves but must conform to the laws of the countries they are in.

Q: You identify three methods for using this service (co-parenting, choice motherhood or sperm donation). Please briefly explain them and the percentage of people in each category.  

A: These aren’t methods for using different services – simply descriptions of some of the reasons people choose to sign up to our community to look for someone who might be able to help them. For example, a single woman looking for a sperm donor might choose to start corresponding with a single man who is looking to father a child.

Q: Are there ever issues of confidentiality on either side? And/or do parties have the opportunity to meet one another in person, if they choose?

A: The issue of confidentiality isn’t applicable here: each member of our community chooses for himself/herself how much personal information to disclose. Our hope is that they will find the right people for them and will indeed go on to meet each other in person, but only if they feel it is the right choice for them. They must, however, comply with the law of the country they are located in.

Q: Do you consider yourself a sperm bank, agency, or clinic?

A: PureAdam isn’t really any of those. Definitely not a sperm bank or clinic: as we’re not involved in that side of things at all I can’t offer any insights into differences between them. Of the three choices, I suppose an agency is the closest match. But really the website just offers a space where people can find each other online and take those first tentative steps towards meeting.

Q: Is this a personal mission for you or just a business?

A: One day it would be nice to make some money from the site, but that’s far off!

Q: What one thought would you like to leave our readers with?

A: Don’t give up hope – keep trying!

PureAdam can be found @ http://pureadam.com. Pure Adam is a controlled environment in which singles or couples of any creed, ethnic background or sexuality can identify suitable matches to have a child. The sites operates in English-speaking countries. PA seeks to balance recipients across countries. (The laws are different in each country. European laws are arguably more restrictive than the USA). Adam is in his mid-40s and reiterates that he created this site at the bequest of several women friends.