Happy First Year to My Twinsies

by DeAnna Scott


I’m exhausted.  I am sitting here surrounded by birthday presents, picking pieces of Gigglebellies carrot cake out of my hair, feet aching from an afternoon of running around, stomach rumbling because I forgot to eat and two 1 year olds safely tucked away in their cribs.  All in all, the first year birthday party was a complete success.  The guests enjoyed themselves and we survived.  The day wasn’t without its hiccups, but much like this first year, it has ended beautifully.

I honestly think part of my exhaustion this day is the emotional roller coaster I’ve been on these past several weeks remembering the journey that began one year and nine months ago.  It was then we learned our surrogate, Jess, was pregnant with our twins.   The absolute profoundness of our experiences, since we found out, makes me heady; weepy and excited, melancholy and cheerful – but totally intoxicated in awe and wonder! […]

Lucky Doubles (A Commentary)

by Karen Hug-Nagy

Well, I’m ten years into this midlife mothering experience, and at 55,  I’m still learning how to become a Mom. I begged the fertility gods for one child and I hit the jackpot, twins!  I thought the infertility rollercoaster was complicated.  Parenting two is more like trying to keep up with mini-rockets on a mission. […]

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