IVF, The Spaniard and Me

by Ellie Stoneley

The solemnity with which the two medical assistants entered the room, carrying the strange long floppy syringe as if it was the Holy Grail was almost laughable … apart from the fact that for me it was the Holy Grail. The embryo about to be transferred from the depths of the syringe into my waiting and perfectly prepared womb was the most precious most longed for mass of cells in the entire universe. […]

Acupuncture with IVF: Can it Help?

by Drew Nesbitt, TCMP

In a study published in the journal of Fertility and Sterility in 2002, it was discovered that acupuncture, when performed before and after an IVF transfer, increased the rates of conception. Since that time, more and more studies have been done on the subject with encouraging results. Although the initial results in this 2002 study have been over-exaggerated by the media, subsequent studies have still maintained that acupuncture is indeed helpful. […]

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